On Saturday 20th of June, an intense heatwave hit the city of lights, Karachi. Extreme sunshine and hot air brought the city into a chaotic state of emergency. For many residents, it turned into an unexpected siege (the heat outside along with the defected system of power in the city inhibited a mass of low-income citizens to leave their houses), many of them had to rush to the hospital as their loved ones became the victim of heat wave, while others were found on roads protesting against the power shortfall. The death toll from the oppressive heat wave in Sindh province topped 1,000.
Throughout the days of scorching heat wave, deadly consequences were mostly witnessed in the hospitals of the city. The hospitals, both government and private, received a flood of patients in their emergency wards without any discontinuity. As each day passed, the number of patients increased resulting in shortage of drinking water supply and other basic necessities.
During such difficult times, the people of Karachi showed great enthusiasm to help their fellow citizens. People from almost all ages stepped out of their comfort zone to aid the victims of heatwave whether on the roads or inside hospitals.
RETO Foundation’s volunteers also came forward to provide aid to hospitals. RETO has always been an active organization in the well-being of the society. At our end, RETO’ Director Technology, Syed Mohsin started out by gathering funds and locating hospitals where drinking water, towels and basic necessities were required. We collected 1000 bottles of water, over 500 ORS packets, dates, biscuits, towels and plastic hand fans. Many young boys volunteered who were then assigned different tasks once we had gathered everything. On the first day, which was Tuesday, we took a Suzuki full of water bottles and other items accompanied by eight volunteers to the Indus Hospital. There, we distributed bottles, ORS and dates to the people who sat in the garden around the hospital’s building waiting to break their fast. On the second day, we left with the remaining stock to the Jinnah Hospital with a hot sun shining over our heads.
The brave youth of Karachi always proves that they are more than just students planning their own futures. They are always ready to stand firm in the face of any calamity the city confronts.
For more, check here.